5 Tips To Decode Python Errors - Part 1

5 Tips To Decode Python Errors - Part 1


Python is a popular programming language that is used for a wide variety of tasks, including web development, data science, and machine learning. It is a relatively easy language to learn, but it is important to be aware of the good practices that can make your code run effortlessly.

As a popular programming language for beginners and experienced programmers alike, it can be very frustrating, especially for beginners when your code refuses to run due to an error you don't understand. This can be discouraging which is why it is important to know these tips so you can write better code that is more efficient and less likely to contain errors.

This article will discuss some of the most common Python errors and provide tips on how to avoid them. We will cover topics such as syntax errors, name errors, type errors, index errors, and assertion errors. By following the advice in this article, you can improve your Python code and become a better programmer.

5 Tips To Decode Python Errors

1. Syntax Errors

These are the most common types of errors in Python, and they occur when the code is not written by the rules of the language. Here are some examples below:

Missing colon at the end of a flow control statement

x = 9 # You can assign any value you want to
if x > 7
    print('x is greater than 7')

Result: This code above will generate a syntax error because the ‘if statement’ is missing a colon at the end. The correct syntax is below:

x = 9 # You can assign any value you want to
if x > 7:
    print('x is greater than 7')

Missing opening or closing parenthesis, square bracket, or curly brace

print ('Hello World'

Result: This code above will generate a syntax error because the ‘closing parenthesis’ is missing at the end. The correct syntax is below:

print ('Hello World')

In some cases, syntax errors can be due to mismatched parenthesis. Consider an inventory management system for a retail store. You have a list of product names and their corresponding quantities, but there's a syntax error in your code when you try to print the product details:

products = ["Widget", "Gadget", "Doodad"
            "Quantity": 50, "Quantity": 30, "Quantity": 20]

for product in products:
    print("Product:", product)


The syntax error in this example is due to the incorrect use of square brackets and colons. Here's the corrected code:

products = {"Widget": 50, "Gadget": 30, "Doodad": 20}

for product, quantity in products.items():
    print("Product:", product, "Quantity:", quantity)

• Misspelled keyword or function name

name = "Daniel"

Result: This code above will generate a syntax error because the ‘print’ function is misspelled. The correct syntax is below:

name = "Daniel"

Note: In Python, print is a built-in function, not a keyword. It is used to display information on the screen or write it to a file, and you can call this function to output text or values.

Python keywords are reserved words that have special meanings in the language and cannot be used for variable names or function names. Examples of keywords in Python include ‘if’, ‘else’, ‘for’, ‘while’, ‘class’, ‘def’, and others. ‘print’ is not a keyword because you can use it as a function name for outputting text.

• Inconsistent indentation

In Python, consistent and proper indentation is crucial because it's used to define the structure and scope of the code. Inconsistent indentation can lead to syntax errors and misinterpretation by the Python interpreter. Here are four examples of codes with inconsistent indentation and how they can cause issues:

i. Inconsistent Indentation in an ‘if Statement’:

def my_function(x):
    if x > 10:
        print(f"x is greater than 10, x = {x}")
        print(f"x is less than or equal to 10, x = {x}")


In this example above, the second print statement has inconsistent indentation. It's indented with one extra space, which will result in an "IndentationError."

Solution: Indent the second print statement correctly so that it lines up with the first one:

def my_function(x): if x > 10: print(f"x is greater than 10, x = {x}") else: print(f"x is less than or equal to 10, x = {x}") my_function(5) my_function(14)

ii. Inconsistent Indentation in a loop:

if x > 5:
    print('x is greater than 5')
     print(This line is not properly indented')

Here, the second print statement is not indented consistently with the rest of the code under the 'for loop'. It will also raise an "IndentationError."

Solution: Fix the second print statement's indentation to match the loop block:

if x > 5:
    print('x is greater than 5')
    print('This line is now properly indented')

iii. Inconsistent Indentation in a Function:

def my_function(x):
    if x:
        return True
    return False
   print('This line is not properly indented')

The last print statement in this function is not indented correctly, and it's not part of the function. It will lead to an error.

Solution: Correct the indentation of the last print statement so it's part of the function:

def my_function(x):
    if x:
        return True
    return False
    print('This line is not properly indented')

iv. Inconsistent Indentation in a Code Block:

def example_function(x):
    if x:
      print("x is True.")
         print("if this line has inconsistent indentation.")
      print("This line has inconsistent indentation.")
      print("x is False.")
    print("This line is indented correctly.")

In this code, the lines with inconsistent indentation are the ones with extra spaces before the print statements within the if block. This inconsistency will result in an "IndentationError." Here's the corrected version of the code:

def example_function(x):
    if x:
        print("x is True.")
        print("Now both lines are indented correctly.")
        print("x is False.")
    print("This line is indented correctly as well.")

The corrected version above ensures that all lines within the code block have consistent and proper indentation.

2. Name Errors

In the world of programming, one of the most prevalent types of errors you'll encounter is name errors. These errors typically occur when you attempt to use a variable or function name that has not been defined in your Python code. Understanding the common causes of these errors, as well as how to identify and correct them, is crucial for any Python developer. In this article, we will delve into some of the most common name errors in Python, providing practical examples and effective solutions to help you avoid and address these issues.

i. NameError - Uninitialized Variable:

This type of error occurs when you try to use a variable that has not been defined or initialized. It's one of the most common name errors in Python. Example:

# Attempting to use an uninitialized variable


Initialize the variable before using it or correct any typographical errors in the variable name.

non_existent_variable = 42

ii. NameError - Misspelled Variable or Function Name:

Misspelling a variable or function name can also lead to a NameError. Python is case-sensitive, so even a single character difference can cause an error. Example:

# Misspelled variable name
message = "Hello python tutor!"


Ensure that variable and function names are spelled correctly and consistently.

message = "Hello python tutor"

iii. NameError - Local vs. Global Scope:

Scope issues can lead to NameErrors, especially when you try to access a variable defined in a different scope. Example:

# Trying to access a local variable from a different scope
def my_function():
    local_var = "I am local."
    return local_var



Understand the concept of variable scope and either pass the variable as a function parameter or declare it in the appropriate scope.

def my_function():
    local_var = "I am local."
    return local_var

result = my_function()

iv. NameError - Incorrect Function Call:

If you call a function with the incorrect name or arguments, Python will raise a NameError. Example:

# Incorrect function name
result = sum(5, 10)


Use the correct function name and provide the right arguments.

result = sum([5, 10])

v. NameError - Missing Module or Import:

When you try to access a module or object from a module that hasn't been imported, you'll encounter a NameError. Example:

# Accessing a function from an unimported module
import math
result = sqrt(16)


Import the module or use the module's name to access the function.

import math
result = math.sqrt(16)

3. Type Errors

Type errors, often referred to as TypeError, are a common category of errors in Python. These errors occur when operations are performed on objects of incompatible data types. In this essay, we will explore the common causes of type errors, provide solutions to solve them, and illustrate these concepts with examples to better understand their significance in practical programming.

Causes of Type Errors

Incompatible Data Types: Type errors can occur when you attempt operations like addition or comparison between variables or objects of incompatible data types.


i. Type Conversion: This will address type errors, and you can perform type conversion (also known as typecasting) to change the data type of one or more variables to make them compatible.

ii. Validation: Implement data validation techniques to ensure that user inputs or data from external sources are of the expected type.

iii. Use Exception Handling: Employ try-except blocks to catch and handle type errors gracefully.

Now let's explore two practical examples of type errors along with solutions to mitigate these issues.

Example (A): E-commerce Inventory Management System

In an e-commerce inventory management system, you might need to calculate the total price of items in a user's shopping cart. Suppose you have the quantity of items and their prices as user inputs:

quantity = input("Enter the quantity: ")
price = input("Enter the price: ")
total_price = quantity * price  # Causes a TypeError


To solve the type error, you can perform type conversion to ensure that the quantity and price variables are of numeric data types (e.g., integers or floats). Here's a corrected version of the code:

quantity = int(input("Enter the quantity: "))
price = float(input("Enter the price: "))
total_price = quantity * price

Example (B): Social Media Analytics Tool

Consider a social media analytics tool that processes data from various platforms. You want to calculate the engagement rate for a post based on the number of likes, comments, and shares:

likes = 500
comments = "200"
shares = 100
engagement_rate = (likes + comments + shares) / likes  # Causes a TypeError


In this case, the type error arises from trying to perform arithmetic operations on numeric values and a string. You can address this issue by converting the comments variable to an integer. Here's the corrected code:

likes = 500
comments = int("200")
shares = 100
engagement_rate = (likes + comments + shares) / likes

By understanding the causes of type errors, implementing solutions like type conversion and validation, and using exception handling, you can enhance the reliability and robustness of your Python projects. Whether you're working on an e-commerce system or a social media analytics tool, handling type errors is a critical aspect of software development.

4. Index Errors

Index errors, commonly referred to as IndexError, are a class of runtime errors in Python. They occur when you attempt to access an element at an index that is out of the valid range for a data structure, such as a list or a string. In this essay, we'll explore the common causes of index errors, provide solutions to solve them, and illustrate these concepts with some examples.

Causes of Index Errors

Accessing Elements Beyond Bounds: Index errors occur when you try to access an element at an index that is greater than or less than the valid range for a data structure. For example, attempting to access the 5th element of a list with only 4 elements will result in an IndexError.

Solutions to Index Errors

i. Check Index Range: Before accessing elements, ensure that the index is within the valid range of the data structure. You can use conditional statements or error-handling techniques like try-except blocks to prevent index errors.

ii. Use Built-in Functions: Python provides built-in functions like len() for getting the length of sequences, which can help you avoid index errors.

Now let's look at index errors with solutions to mitigate these issues.

Example (A): Task Management Application

Imagine you're developing a task management application, and you want to display a list of tasks. The tasks are stored in a list, and you attempt to access and display a specific task by its index:

tasks = ["Task 1", "Task 2", "Task 3"]
index = 3  # User inputs index 3, which is out of range
print("Task:", tasks[index])


To avoid an index error in this case, you can check whether the index is within the valid range before attempting to access the task. You can use an if statement to do this:

tasks = ["Task 1", "Task 2", "Task 3"]
index = 3  # User inputs index 3, which is out of range

if 0 <= index < len(tasks):
    print("Task:", tasks[index])
    print("Invalid index. Please choose a valid index.")

Example (B): Image Processing Software

Suppose you're working on image processing software, and you want to access a pixel in an image by its coordinates:


In this scenario, you can address the index error by ensuring that the x and y coordinates are within the valid range for the image dimensions. You can also use exception handling to catch and handle index errors gracefully:

By understanding the causes of index errors, checking index ranges, and using built-in functions like len(), you can enhance the reliability and robustness of your Python projects. Whether you're working on a task management application or image processing software, handling index errors is a crucial aspect of software development.

5. Assertion Errors

Assertion errors, often referred to as “AssertionError”, are a type of runtime error in Python. They occur when an “assert” statement fails, indicating that a certain condition or assumption in your code is not met. In this essay, we will explore the common causes of assertion errors, and provide solutions to address and illustrate these concepts with real-life project examples.

Causes of Assertion Errors:

Failed Assertions: Assertion errors occur when an “assert” statement evaluates to “False”. The purpose of assertions is to catch programming errors, so when an assertion fails, it's often a sign of a problem in the code logic.

Solutions to Assertion Errors:

i. Review Assumptions: Carefully review the assumptions and conditions in your code that you are asserting. Ensure they are correct and meet the intended conditions.

ii. Use Assertions for Debugging: Assertions are particularly useful for debugging and testing. By checking assumptions during development, you can catch errors early.

iii. Handle Errors Gracefully: If an assertion error indicates a problem that can be handled, implement error handling mechanisms (e.g., exception handling) to provide meaningful feedback to the user or log the issue.

Now let's explore two practical examples of assertion errors along with solutions to address these issues.

Example (A): Financial Transaction System

Imagine you are developing a financial transaction system that should ensure the balance of an account is never negative. You use an “assert” statement to check this condition:

balance = 1000
withdrawal = 1200
assert balance - withdrawal >= 0, "Insufficient funds"


balance = 1000
withdrawal = 1200
if balance - withdrawal >= 0:
    # Perform the withdrawal
    balance -= withdrawal
    print("Insufficient funds. Transaction canceled.")

In this scenario (i.e., the account balance goes negative), it indicates a critical issue in the code logic. To address this, you must review your assumptions and implement a mechanism to prevent such transactions or handle them more gracefully, such as rolling back the transaction.

Example 2: E-commerce Website

In an e-commerce website, you want to verify that the price of a product in the shopping cart matches the price stored in the database. You use an assert statement for this check:

cart_price = 75.99
db_price = 69.99
assert cart_price == db_price, "Price mismatch"


It indicates a price mismatch between the cart and the database alone. In this case, you may want to log the issue for further investigation and potentially inform the user. Error handling is

critical to gracefully manage such issues.

cart_price = 75.99
db_price = 69.99    

assert cart_price == db_price, "Price mismatch. Please refresh your cart."

# Proceed with the purchase


The more you understand the different types of errors that can occur in Python, the more you will be able to troubleshoot errors more effectively. Don’t forget to test your code regularly. Testing your code regularly will help you catch errors before they cause your program to crash. Always try to search for online resources and most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask for help from another programmer.